This Valentine’s Day Niche were up early at the crack of dawn, dressed in our ball gowns and tuxs ready to take part in James Robert’s perfect example of how to propose! This was no ordinary surprise wedding proposal as it was centred around the Penguin Beach at London Zoo and involved a team of PR gurus and an ITV film camera!
Niche had prepared Paradise by Coldplay, arranged specially for the occasion by our violinist Kimi, ready to add a beautiful personal touch to an already life changing moment. First though there was the hiding and waiting in the penguin hut next to the rather large buckets of fish! As Michelle the potential bride to be continued to feed the penguins, James joined us in the hiding place to quickly get changed into his tux and his nerves were clear!
Then it was action time and we rushed to our seats and as James got down on one knee Niche played the theme tune to their romantic dream. Of course Michelle was knocked off her feet and said yes immediately and burst out crying with joy! Smiles all round and cheers from the team Niche finished the song knowing it was a job well done.
What an utterly romantic Valentine’s Day 2012 for Niche – The London String Quartet. Watch out for the footage to be screened on ITV sometime in the summer!
Check out what James wrote about his experience working with Niche on his special day here.